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Surprises and vivid action matter far more than we imagine, and we regularly underinvest in them.  – Seth Godin

I read this quote earlier this year and in reflecting on 2016, I am overwhelmed by its truth.  For me, the high points of the past year almost all embody at least one of these two characteristics.  As examples:

·         Receiving two small brass elephant bookends hand delivered to my house on the date of the SEC championship by friends who just knew that I would love them.  (Roll Tide!)

·         Reading a text from a vacationing client thanking me for my efforts on behalf of him and his company.  Incidentally, this is not the first time he has done something thoughtful like this.  And I would do anything for someone who treats me like such a valued partner.

·         Arriving to work to find a large bag of my favorite dark chocolate with a kind note from a co-worker who makes my life easier on a daily basis.

·         Enjoying a lovely dinner out with my husband compliments of my partner who appreciated my work on a deal.

·         Opening my mail to find an article that one of my blog readers thought I would find interesting.

·         Being awarded a Colliers Blue Mont Blanc pen in recognition of a career milestone at a staff meeting.

·         Having a friend who could give Martha Stewart competition come to my house at noon laden down with tableware to set a beautiful table for me for a party I had planned in the evening.

The common thread?  When we are surprised, we recognize that someone was thinking of us and cared enough to let us know. And that feeling has staying power.  We may forget an offhand spoken “thank you”, but we usually bask in reading a well-written thank you note.

I have made a concerted effort this year in both my personal and professional life to let friends, family and clients know that I am thinking of them and value them. This might be the most important part of my job.  Have you been on the giving or receiving end of surprises and vivid action?  Do you agree with this quote?

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